Pratibha Pretty

Pratibha Pretty

Welcome to my blog My name is #Pratibha A Blogger, Traveler, Plant lover. My blog based on a wide range of topics, such as gadgets, beauty, fashion, and wellness on my experience and knowledge.

Top 10 Biggest Malls in The World

Shopping malls have become an integral part of our lifestyle. It is normal to see a mall full of visitors and customers. We see new shopping malls appearing in every corner of the planet. They all become unavoidable destinations for…

10 Best Neurology Hospitals in India

Hospital Neuro

There are three parts to the nervous system: a brain, a spinal cord, and nerves. If something goes wrong with your nervous system, you may have difficulty walking, swallowing, breathing, or understanding. There are severe neurological conditions and problems, which…

Best Rum Brands in India

Best Rum Brands in India

When it comes to choosing between alcoholic beverages, rum is one of many people’s favorites. Made by extracting the juice from sugar cane. There are many variations of rum, such as white rum and dark rum. One more fact is…

Best Wines Brands in India

The Indian wine market is flourishing and also many domestic wine brands are coming into the market, which represents strong competition for well-known international brands. Making wine is an art which requires extensive research in order to achieve a winning…